Monday, April 4, 2016


Today & yesterday was #44's day to get out on the roads of Tucson.
Yesterday Pat, Bob, Ray, Linda, Bob & I drove to Tucson. About 20 old cars (Model T Speedsters) registered at Residence Inn for the weekend festivities.
Saturday afternoon Bob & Bob drove #44 & Ray & Linda took out their red #55. Pat & I followed them in our modern car & we may have stopped at a thrift store along the route. ;-)
On Sunday (today) was the "race". It's not your typical race where the fastest car gets the prize. Instead it's a 150 mile day, driving your cars, following written directions and the winner is declared later by the car(s) who get closest to the official route time (which was determined on a pre-ride by the race organizer). Does that make sense?
In any case...throughout the race the cars have check-points, they stop for lunch and afterwards there is a BBQ with awards. AND...Linda & Ray collected the 3rd place trophy!! Congrats to Ray & Linda! Bob & Bob came in 4th (but no trophy). :-) They ALL had a blast!!
We are really thankful that the Californians came to visit us in Arizona. It was fun to catch up, enjoy the nice weather, drink some fresh grapefruit juice & race old cars together.
Breakfast photo above was in our backyard (notice Harley's spot) & hiking photo is on top of Marcus De Niza Trail (both pics are from Friday morning).


  1. So glad you and Bob were able to spend time with Bob and is so special!

  2. It was a long road trip to them to trailer their Model T's from The Bay to Phoenix & Tucson. But we're sure glad they did. It's always a fun group that gathers for the Model T events.
