Saturday, November 30, 2013


Me: Bob toured Dealey Plaza in Dallas, TX today. It was the 50th anniversary of John F. Kennedy's assassination on November 22nd. Bob took Greg (who is also based in Dallas) to tour with him. Greg and Bob are standing on The Grassy Knoll.
Peyton and Owen tagged along with Bob too. Their parents are hosting Bob when he's in town on reserve. It's a great set-up: Bob gets a home to stay with friends who are like family and Peyton and Owen get to play with Bob when he's in town.
Photo: Book depository building in the background.
Lee Harvey Oswald shot Kennedy from the far right window, 2nd row from the top.
Owen is standing on The X. The sight of Kennedy's assassination.


Martin: Today.
Me: Beautiful day for a hike. The Peralta Trail in Superstition Mountains.
Special guest: Deanna from Mammoth Lakes. She is here visiting her mom in Gold Canyon. Pete had to stay home to work but she brought out their boys, Max and Theo. That's Anna and her dad in the background. Tom and Anna's mom are here from Arkansas. Also on the hike was Wendy along with her boyfriend, Tao and his nephew JJ. So we had a good crew!
After an hour of hiking you reach Fremont saddle with a nice view of Weaver's Needle. This a prominent rock formation that can be seen from miles away in the northeast valley. Weaver's Needle can also be rock climbed to the top.  We've never done it, but maybe some day. ;-)
The 7 of us took a break and took in the view.
Tree pose and we were on our way back down. Great to visit with everyone and great to work off yesterday's calories.

Thursday, November 28, 2013


Martin: Storm front moving in from the East. 
Harley is thankful for all the scraps that fell on the floor! ;-)

I have much to be thankful for and I am! 

PHOTO (from middle & clockwise): Harley, Carson, Tom, Abbie, Mike, Dean, Joan, Connie, Jeanne, Paul, Nathan, David, April, Carol, Stephanie, & Bryce (I took the photo). Bob was in the Cayman Islands today. Of course we missed Bob here! Thankful we got to talk & that he had a Thanksgiving meal in Dallas tonight with friends Chris & Abbie.

 The weather was gorgeous in Phoenix today and we spent the whole afternoon outside at Carol and Paul's home. I'm stuffed - good night.

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Martin: Weather report.
Me: Did some Christmas decorating around the house today. Harley wasn't too thrilled when I put snowman ears on her. Sorry Harley! 
She did get a treat for tolerated them for a photo.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Me: Bob's off to work and I'm home waiting for the finale of Dancing with the Stars. Though I didn't vote, I would vote for Derek and Amber to win it.
They had two great dances last night - 10's from the judges.
Fun to watch - Go Amber & Derek! :-)

Monday, November 25, 2013


Me: Great-nephews Carson and Bryce.
They're down here staying with Grandma Joan and Grandpa Dean. Carson and Bryce's mom and dad (Steph and Tom from Chicago) are here for Thanksgiving week too. Bob and I enjoyed having pizza with them at the Hitching Post tonight. Great to see the kids and visit with them all! Harley came too and was a big hit with her tricks.

Sunday, November 24, 2013


Martin: Weather report.
Me: 8 of us on the Pemberton Trail in the McDowell Mountains. After two days of rain the route was very soggy. Temps were perfect though & we had a great time! After 3 hours of riding through mud puddles we have some serious laundry and bike cleaning to do!
Nice to have Bob back for a few days!

Saturday, November 23, 2013


Martin: ulphur-crested cockatoo in the front garden having a snack on some seed pods.
 Me: Harley ready for the "Ugly Sweater Run" in Tempe. PS: Harley thinks her sweater and scarf is pretty though!
It was cold in Phoenix today - perfect conditions for sweaters & stocking caps!
 A LOT of ugly sweaters!

Just a few minutes before the 5k starts.
 Harley and I strategizing.
 Lazer focus..."On your mark, get set, go!"
Didn't take any pics during the run but this is the finish where we were welcomed with snow! ;-)
Luckily we had a fire to warm up afterwards.
This fun run was goofy and got everyone in the holiday spirit. We had a great time and I'm so proud of Harley Girl. Congratulations on your 5k run, Harley!

Friday, November 22, 2013


Martin: Another day of more blue than grey.
Me: This is Bob with road rash...OUCH! :-(  Bob texted me this photo yesterday after he crashed on  a bike ride in Dallas. He was cycling alone when his bike slipped out on a wet corner. Thankful he's ok (minus the raspberries). Bob is pretty sore today.
PS: Eat chocolate, Bob - it will help. xoxo.
Me: Yesterday's babysitting photo. Riley (2 months old) and Kavan (22 months old).

Thursday, November 21, 2013


Martin: Good to see the sun after three days of rain.
Me: Baby Selfies. :-)

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Me: Flying Friends!
Look who Bob found last night on his flight to Dallas; Greg Petersen. They are buddies from TWA days (1997). Greg and his wife Cheryl moved to Arizona from Chicago several years ago. Unfortunately we rarely see them since they along with their 2 kids live on the other side of the valley. Today Bob and Greg (he also flies for American and based in Dallas) are hanging out in Dallas: eating lunch and going to the gym. Fun!
Biking Buddies!
Look who I ran into this morning; Heidi! Actually we planned our get together. ;-) Heidi and I have been friends on and off the bike since 1999. She's a good egg and is always up for anything - like early morning mountain bike rides in the dark! Fun!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Me: Marsha (from Bend, OR) is in town! She's here to visit and celebrate her mom's 89th birthday and spend time with her sister and family. Glad Marsha could stop by last night for dinner and a little campfire time.
This morning Shelly took us on her favorite hike (Secret Trail - so I'm not allowed to tell you where it's located). Naomi (Marsha's sister), Bob and Harley joined us for the 2 hour trek. Great to catch up with my awesome girlfriends!

Monday, November 18, 2013


Me: Bob and I watched Kavan and Riley this afternoon. Beautiful weather - perfect for a picnic in our backyard.
Playtime indoors. Kavan's favorite toy is Bob's childhood workbench with hammer and nails. We read books, played basketball and ate snacks.
Riley did a good job being sweet and cute!