Saturday, February 16, 2019

February (Flowers)

African Daisies!!!!

So Pretty!

Love these wildflowers and this year they are blooming like crazy!

February (Harley)

Harley modeling her new collar & my new tank.
#bekind #loveit
But how cute is Harley's old shirt collar!
Items purchased at my friend, Erin's boutique; 
Audrey's in Phoenix.

Friday, February 15, 2019

January (Paris).

Now & Then.
Bob had a work trip to Paris this month!!! That's him hanging out in front of the Eiffel Tower. Great job flying that huge 767 to France. No, Bob didn't take a wrong turn on his way to Hawaii... and Paris won't be a regular route but it sure was fun for him to get a mini vacation disguised as work. :-)
(R) That's US in 2004!
And here we are in 2000!

A few more France Flashback Pics...
Chasing the Tour de France!
Heidi & I climbing the steep mountains.
Made it to the pass of Col du Glandon.
Shelly was on this trip as well. Alp d' hues (which we also biked up).
The peloton.
We were definitely into it! :-)
Champs Elysees
Those were the days of Lance Armstrong.
And Robin Williams.
Miss this guy from stand-up, TV & movies.

Last 2 pics were from a 2004 dinner in Phoenix. It was after we spent the day biking with the US Postal Team. Quite a memorable weekend for bike fans like us. Robin Williams was there because he was a giant supporter of the team and a cyclist himself. He did a little stand-up at dinner. :-) #cool

Sunday, February 10, 2019

January (Estrella MBAA race)

Bob on a cool hike in Kauai called the Sleeping Giant. Looks like a beautiful day to be on top of a mountain in Hawaii!! #greatfisheyephoto
While Bob was trekking those green island peaks, I was biking those dirty desert trails. Along with Thomas (above), his dad, Greg plus a few friends from Team Vitesse. 
Mike heading off in his competitive category!
Lined up at the start. I'm look'n pretty serious - haha!
The Beginning.
The Middle.
The End.
I took 1st in Expert Open.
Congrats to teammate, Kaylee.
3rd place in Expert 45 +

Fun day with our Team Vitesse crew!

Newspaper Article (Wheels 4 Water)

Our local newspaper and 3 East Valley papers ran a nice article about our Wheels 4 Water event!
#cleanwater #Uganda