Saturday, May 31, 2014


Part 2 of our Buckskin Gulch hike (May 24, 2014)...
Part 1 was posted yesterday.
So, the bear was stone faced and said nothing.
Soon after the bear we came across a cairn. We weren't sure what it was marking since there is only one way through the slot canyon (with the exception of a remote mid-way trail which we never saw). It's possible this cairn was marking the area for that mid-way trail but we're not going back to find out. We also didn't see the 2nd panel of petroglyphs that were noted on the map to be around mile 10.                
We kept walking, looking up at the pretty caramelized rock.
 Just as we were looking up a giant boulder came tumbling down from above. Mike and Bob quickly covered their heads. Luckily the boulder got jammed between the narrow canyon walls mid fall, phew! Ok, none of that is true. This boulder was already wedged in between the canyon walls when we saw it. But it still gave us an eery feeling walking under it.
 Temps were rising and our feet & legs were tired. Our minds were tired too, thinking every bend ahead must be the last corner before turning north to hike another 7.5 miles up the Paria River.
Mike - too tired to smile for this photo in front of heart rock. His reaction gave us some good laughs though! :-)
We finally came across some water. A good sign that we were getting close to Paria Canyon.
We trudged through the water with our hiking shoes (except for Abbie, who was smart enough to pack water shoes).
We made it - to the confluence that is (where Buckskin Gulch meets Paria Canyon/River). Wahoo! We still have 7.5 miles to go but so glad to get out of the slot canyon and head north towards the car. Our faces just scream happiness. :-)
 Changing out our wet socks for dry ones. At this point Bob's feet were getting some nasty blisters, Mike's knee was swelling and everyone's feet were sore from the deep sand hiking.
The terrain changed to a wide open canyon. Still sandy.
Cool rock caves.
There must have been some rain to the north earlier in the day because we saw the beginning of a small flash flood. The Paria River was growing and moving south over part of the dried up river bed that we were walking on. It was interesting and had there been a LOT of rain it would have been much tougher to cross the Paria.
A few more miles of this and we reached the car. 
Total hiking distance: 23 miles.
Total hiking time: 9 hours.
We hiked the longest slot canyon in the world!
Great job, Mike and Abbie. So glad you two met us for this epic day! After the hike Mike & Abbie drove on to Mounument Valley. They spent following three days in Monument Valley, Arches National Park and Telluride. Fun vacation!
Great job, April, Bob and me too! The 3 of us drove back to Page, AZ, showered and ate at Denny's (again). On Sunday we drove home, stopped to see some Dinosaur tracks and had famous Rock Springs Pie just outside Phoenix. It was a great weekend adventure!

PS: Below are 3 you tube videos that show a hiking group getting caught in Buckskin Gulch by a flash flood. Watch them in sequence (they are short). It's a real danger so you should never go through a slot canyon with the slightest threat of rain in the area. Exercise caution and enjoy the hike!

Friday, May 30, 2014


NOTE: You can click on any photo to enlarge & you can scroll between the photos this way too.
Me: May 24, 2014. Buckskin Gulch (last Saturday's 23 mile hike recap with lots of pics)
Bob, April and I picked up Abbie and Mike at 5:45am. They had camped at Whitehouse Trailhead - our ending location for today's hike. We then drove several miles to reach the starting trailhead: Wire Pass. In this photo we are getting our gear together for the trek. It was a little chilly at 7:00am.
We followed the path from the parking lot and soon entered into a world of textured red rock...
and really narrow passageways!
This is what you call a slot canyon!
Our map told us where to look for petroglyphs. We saw these drawings of big horned sheep, hunters & more. Really neat!
At this juncture (1.7 miles into our hike) we took a right and entered into the official Buckskin Gulch: a 13.5 mile slot canyon that is the longest slot canyon in the world. It is also rated one of the top 10 most dangerous hikes due to flash flooding.
It was easy to see why this would be a dangerous hike if there was rain (or potential of rain within 20 miles of the slot canyon). We definitely checked the weather thoroughly the evening before and the morning of our hike. We had clear skies and a great forecast for our day.
Feet in motion! The trail was mostly fine powder sand with some rocks.
For hours we were giddy. Feeling good and loving the terrain!
No other hikers in sight. This was a bit surprising since it was a holiday weekend.
We kept one foot in front of the other and enjoyed each other's company.
The canyon walls were high!
Apparently hiking with just a backpack isn't challenging enough.
We predicted our hike to take around 8 hours (based on our friend's time who did it last month). Snack breaks along the way were nice.
Back on the road again.
A long and winding road.
Follow me...
into the light!
The sunlight above was spectacular!
and made for some cool photos.
I need an inspirational quote for this picture. How about…
"Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
By this time we realized my GPS was gliching. It was giving us false mileage which was giving us false hope that we were further than we actually were. Bummer.
Every turn looked the same and yet we hoped that the next bend would lead us out of the narrows (the 13.5 mile slot section) and into the next part of our hike: Paria Canyon.
We were getting tired and our feet becoming sore. Bob is doing a little blister prevention on his toes.
I even stopped to ask a bear if we were on the right track. :-)

Tune in tomorrow to see what the bear said and how the 2nd half of our hike goes…

Thursday, May 29, 2014


Me: Our neighbors pretty blossoms hanging over our wall.
  Another shopping trip to Lowes and we came back with this storage shed.
Didn't take long for Bob and James to put it together.
 Nice to have a place for our yard tools and more!
Just finished painting and staining this bench (got it a couple years ago for $10). Though the makeover is an improvement I'm not thrilled with the colors I chose. Oh well. :-/

PS: Still sorting through pics from Buckskin Gulch. Tomorrow I'll recap that day.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Martin: Back at the doggys home to do some more painting. Haven't been there for about two years but they recognised me.

Me: Remember the day bed frame I bought at a garage sale for $5? I painted it and posted it for sale on Craig's List for $140. Well, it took me a couple weeks but I just sold it for $90. Yay!!

Now our Page, AZ weekend recap continued...
On Friday night after hanging out at Horseshoe Bend we drove into Page and took the scenic drive past Glen Canyon Dam. Later we stopped in the gift shop to look around and listen to a talk on Lake Powell (very interesting). This is a look to the north. Lake Powell is just on the other side of the dam. The lake is very low right now as the area has been in a 14 year drought.
This is the view to the southwest. Gorgeous perspective of how the Colorado River snakes through the red rocks of the Grand Canyon. Another 2 miles down the Colorado River and you'd arrive at Horseshoe Bend.
April with the Colorado River. Photo also shows the clouds that will soon bring rain.
We snapped our pics & then went across the street to eat at Denny's.
It's been years since we've eaten at Denny's but it was really good. It was so good that we ate there the next night after hiking Buckskin Gulch. Sometimes an egg & potato skillet just hits the spot.