Monday, June 6, 2016


Eagle Lake at 7am this morning. This was about 1 mile in from the start of our hike.
We did this 6 mile hike last year on the 4th of July and there wasn't any snow. Not the case today.
The snow was fun but at times it covered the trail making it a bit tricky to find our path.
Views looking South near the top of our loop route. The snow was pretty on those peaks! All that snow run off is helping to raise Lake Tahoe. Glad to see the level is significantly higher than last year.
We only saw two other hikers so snagged them to take a family photo. PS: The two gentlemen were from France & Italy.
Harley & I going over the map just to make sure we don't get lost. :-)
Lookout over Eagle Lake. See me?
Granite Lake where Harley was intrigued enough with the minnows to jump in the water. We have some funny video of her swimming after them.
Near the end of our hike we got a great view of Emerald Bay. Thankful for another beautiful day in Tahoe.


  1. WOW this is so beautiful...I bet you were surprised to see snow!

  2. Definitely made it more challenging to find the trail! Most parts you could see previous hikers foot prints...but not always. :-/
