Sunday, August 11, 2013


Me: Well, things went south last night. Around bedtime I was feeling really awful. Within a couple hours I was vomiting and had a very high fever with terrible aches plus a headache. Bob's been fighting off a sore throat and cold the last two days so he's not doing much better. Today I've been in bed and nibbling on jello and crackers. Bob's been on the couch coughing. Ugh. :-( Hoping tomorrow is better.

I realized when entering today's date (August 11th) that it was 13 years ago that my dad passed away. Of course he is still missed and I have the fondest of memories of a wonderful father in my life.


  1. Oh no!! So sorry to hear this. Sending huge feel-better wishes. I'll call you guys tomorrow.

  2. I too am sorry to hear that you both don't feel good...we never forgot the day our parents leave us...thinking of you!!
