Thursday, September 20, 2012


Martin: This guy ran into the shade just as I was trying to get some shots and the shutter speed dropped down causing the blurred effect.
Me: Blue room take 2. 

We just repainted the guest bedroom from the baby blue color I tried and disliked to this new color which I LOVE! It's so pretty and soothing. So now our guest room is ready for our visitors who arrive NEXT week. First Bob's parents come on Wednesday for 3 days (so excited) and then our good friends, Karen and Charlie from Ohio arrive on September 30th. They'll be here until October 5th and we have great things planned; going to the Grand Canyon, eating at Diablo Burger in Flagstaff, touring in Sedona, browsing art galleries in Jerome and finding sweets! Yay, can't wait!


  1. Jane - Love the color...boy you are going to be busy next week....we can't wait...counting the days. Did you cut your hair????

    Martin - Don't like your friend!!!

  2. Thanks, Karen! Yep, I did get my hair cut. It's pretty short!! :-)
