Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Martin: Discovered this young Blue-tongued lizard (or skink) sitting in the sun just outside our front door.
Me: We've been meeting with landscapers this past week and it's it's been a bit overwhelming. Bob and I have some ideas already but we need assistance in pulling it all together. Most importantly we need a good watering system installed before the trees and flowers can be planted. We'll do the yard in stages over time but are hoping we can get a more specific idea of our plan in the next month or two. I posted this photo because it shows some of the hardscape we like - particularly the round concrete pads (interesting), the tree wells and some rusted iron gate and statue. However, I'm not real fond of that sculpture. I think Bob can make something better out of old bike parts! :-).

1 comment:

  1. Jane - Feel you have a good base to start from...I agree something that Bob would make out of bike parts would be great!!!

    Martin - Don't care for your front door visitor!
