Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Me: Bob got home from his work trip yesterday. That's the good news! :-)
Then Bob got stung by a bee on our ride this morning: Bad news. :-(
I called 911 after he turned red all over & his throat felt bad. Worse news. :-(
Bob used his Epi Pen & the paramedics came quickly: Good news!
The Epi Pen helped & his symptoms started improving: Better news!
Paramedics observed Bob for a while & then cleared him to go home: The best news!
Thanks guys for your quick response!
PS: I swear Bob wears honey cologne because he's the one who gets stung. I never get stung (I'm not allergic). The bees know. Anyway, Bob was pretty wiped out most of the day but is feeling just fine tonight. Wonderful news!


  1. The best news is Bob had an Epi Pen, and you called for help....I'm sure the entire thing was really you guys!

  2. Thanks, Karen! Yep…he must always (& he does) have that Epi Pen with him.
