Me: Photos of our finished pool patio. We love it!
It took 8 days of hard work for the tile guys to complete.
This project came with it's challenges though = stress! :-/
There are still some things they need to fix but the overall look, size & shape is really nice!
After another sanding (to set the tiles) we'll be able to put flower pots & furniture back.
This was a major project that we've been wanting to do for some time. Now we can enjoy!
PS: One of the best parts about this tile (called Shell Concha) is that it's much cooler than other tiles like travertine or pavers. In fact, we have a temperature gun & yesterday the Shell Concha tile was 95 degrees while the red rock next to the patio was 130 degrees. This will make a huge difference in our Phoenix climate! :-)
This really looks will really appreciate the coolness when you have the hot summer sun!