Sunday, April 1, 2012


Martin: Finn from last night. He came across this site about foxy cats or something like that.
Me: Spent the afternoon at the Vet's office. :-( Poor Harley had a scuffle with a Javelina on our desert walk. She got some stitches, a sprained leg and a treat for being brave. She'll be as good as new in a week or so.


Harley says, "April Fools!"


  1. Jane - You really got me - I was feeling really bad for Harley until I read the last line - Only April fool's joke pulled on me! My dad loved April fools day!

    Martin - Love your cat - I have Abby, but she doesn't look like yours - she is a brown tabby.

  2. hee hee. :-) We got a lot of people with Harley's Javelina injury.
