Thursday, June 22, 2017


Niece, Dawn & her husband Thomas's farm. Just outside Elk Horn they continue to add to the cute cabin they built & polish the renovations to the chicken coop.
New bridge & tree railing.
This chicken coop will be set up with wifi & office space for Dawn & Thomas to work far away from home. They live in Pennsylvania with their 2 young girls & work in New York City.
Now they spend longer vacations in Iowa so the girls can play with their 1st & 2nd cousins. 
It's a very pretty setting with the creek next to the cabin.
A big barn.
Lots of green grass.
And just a mile down the road is Monte's farm where the girls will often find their 2nd cousins.


  1. WOW...this looks wonderful their children get to grow up with their cousins!

  2. And a LOT of cousins at that. :-)
