Me: Friday the 13th...
Rich & Anna met us in Denver yesterday and we're all staying at Danielle (niece) & Mike's home in Highlands Ranch. We planned this trip intending to hike four 14'ers in 2 days.
Chances were slim that we'd summit Mt. Evans today (just turn on the TV to hear about the terrible flooding around Denver & Boulder) but we set out for the trailhead anyway. Up at 4:30am & driving by 5:15am. What normally would be a 40 minute drive to Mt. Evans turned into 4 hours in the car with continuous rain, closed freeways, mud slides, detours and flooding rivers.
We never made it to the trailhead since we came to our senses and turned around.
We never made it to the trailhead since we came to our senses and turned around.
Instead we went to a movie (it was bad, don't see The Family), had lunch in downtown Littleton (that was yummy) and roamed the antique stores.
Though I'm not superstitious about Friday the 13th, this date literally held a cloud over our adventure. Forecast for Saturday the 14th is looking much better.
I have been reading about the flooding in CO. I know you will come up with an alternate plan, and maybe Sat. will be better weather! Thanks for the review on "Family"...was wondering about that movie!