Sunday, April 14, 2013


Martin: First match of the soccer season for Adrian.
Me: Mom and I did some Craig's List and garage sale shopping. This dresser from Craig's List is going to be our new bathroom vanity for the downstairs powder room. It's from 1959 and in great condition. James said he can rig up the plumbing to put a vessel sink on top and a faucet coming out of the wall. The Tile on the floor is what we picked out for the bathroom and pantry floor. Bob and I are excited about it. We found the yellow lamps at a garage sale. Don't care for the shades but the lamps are fun. Not sure where they will be in the house.
Here is the wood looking tile we decided on for the rest of the main floor. We like the color tones and character. Excited about this too. Bonus: I think it will hide dirt well. ;-)

1 comment:

  1. I like everything you bought and choose...the dresser looks like the one my parents bought it in 1965 when they built their new home. The floor looks really must be feeling better...YEA!!!
