Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Martin: Baby sitting a young bearded dragon.
Me: Playing frisbee golf this evening.

Monday, May 30, 2011


Martin: The leaves keep falling, not that many left.
Me: Memorial Day

Honoring all past and present service men and women. Thank you for your courage and sacrifice to protect our freedom.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Martin: Adrian competing in the NSW Cross Country Relays. 4 X 3 KM
Me: Chocolate cheesecake...mmmm! Bob and I are now receiving one cheesecake a month (for 3 months) delivered to our front door. The first one arrived last week and we ate the last piece tonight. The cheesecake is a thank you gift from 2 nieces & 2 nephews. Is this really a good gift for an aunt & uncle who have no willpower against sweets? 

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Friday, May 27, 2011


Martin: Should have invested in tissue stocks from the number I have been through the past week.
Me: These are my two wonderful friends, Shelly and Marsha. I've know them both since about 1992. We met playing sand volleyball at The Pointe and became fast friends. We've done so many cool things together: waterskiied numerous early mornings, played countless days of sand volleyball, hiked amazing places like the Grand Canyon & 3 Sisters Mountains in Oregon, snow skiied Tahoe & Telluride, white water rafted, and  traveled. Bob and I went to France & Italy with Shelly and I backpacked New Zealand with Marsha in 1996. Marsha now lives in Bend, Oregon and Shelly in Scottsdale. Marsha flew in for a couple days so the three of us got to hang out. Great to spend time with them again!

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Martin: A pic from where I am working. They have two new puppies. Their names are Ash & Tibby but I don't know who is who.
Me: Just outside our front door this morning was this big guy perched on a palm tree branch. Harley was not amused..."Bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark!" until the intruder flew away.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Martin: This is either Ash or Tibby. One of the new puppies at the home I'm working at.
Me: Jeri, Anna & I had art class this evening and tonight was sculpting! Our results may not resemble the model (she's standing next to me)...but that's ok, we had a good time. This was the final class in a 3 week amatuer program: 1st class was pencil drawing, 2nd class oil painting, 3rd class sculpting.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


 Martin: Daniel's seeds need to be transplanted.
Me: I love apricots (dried apricots & apricot jam - my favorite!). So I was very happy to see our local grocery store now has fresh apricots for sale. Yum!

Monday, May 23, 2011


Martin: Latest view of the trench. Slowly working my way around the house.
Me: Harley and I took it easy today. We did a short hike to the top of Marcos de Niza in South Mountain.

PS: Harley just can't be bothered posing for a photo as she takes her job seriously. She is quite proud that no bunnies escaped her watch this morning. 

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Martin: Band performing at Appin's 200th anniversary celebration.
Me: Here's a photo of the best hamburger EVER! I ate it yesterday in Flagstaff but was still thinking about it today. :-) It was big, juicy, & served on a branded english muffin with bacon, beets and feta cheese. The fries were awesome too. Diablo Burger  - so delicious!

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Martin: Another band performance on the weekend, this time in the small coal mining town of Appin. They were celebrating their 200th anniversary.
Me: Took a day trip to Flagstaff to mountain bike with some friends. Great ride in the pine trees! There was still a good amount of snow on Mt. Humphrey's Peak. Lovely day. 

Friday, May 20, 2011


'Lifting of the stones' competition. The one he is lifting is 145kg and he has one more to go - 165kg.
Martin: 'Lifting of the stones' competition. The one he is lifting is 145kg and he has one more to go - 165kg.
Me: I was watching a taped show of Oprah and was surprised when I showed up on the television screen!

In 2002 I was in a shaving cream commercial and apparently they STILL use it! Bob put a copy of the commercial on youtube so you can link to it. It's kinda funny and fun. It's also short so don't blink.


Thursday, May 19, 2011


Martin: Nice contrast between the deciduous elms and the evergreen gums.
Me: On our 80 mile bike ride today we encounterd this guy.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Martin: New arrivals from Amazon UK - free delivery to Oz so a third of what we pay retail here.
Me: Spent much of today taking real estate courses on-line. Required continuing education for my real estate license.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Martin: Fin breathing the fresh air in the garden. First time we took him out, he jumped the fence and ran into the bush.
Me: Our grocery store items of ice cream, donuts and chocolate have been replaced with Shot Blocks, Power Bars and electrolyte drink mix. :-)

Monday, May 16, 2011


Martin: Finally a passion fruit in the garden that hasn't been eaten by the possums.
Me: We dog-sat our neighbor's dog over the weekend. Here's a pic of Harley and her BFF, Lily. :-)

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Martin: Like this view of a Morton Bay Fig from above.
Me: I got a flat tire on our bike ride today and instead of Bob changing it as usual, I did! I need the practice for the "Death Ride" in July.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Martin: New pair of trainers for Adrian - they may glow in the dark!
Me: Got a group of friends together to do one of our favoirte road rides: Canyon Lake & Tortilla Flat. It's hilly & scenic. We started at 5:30am to beat the heat. 60 miles. Good time!

Friday, May 13, 2011


Martin: Our latest member of the family that arrived this week. It's a rag doll and his name is 'Fin'. He is three years old and we adopted him as his original owners have an autistic son who was becoming increasingly aggressive towards the cat.
Me: Bob flew into Teeterboro late last night. Where they park the plane is where Donald Trump keeps his helicopter. Luckily Trump wasn't around to tell Bob "You're fired". :-)


Martin: Here's a pic of the shirt we got for Adrian when we were in the states a few years ago. I chopped it by accident the other day when I was needing rags.
Me: Bonus! Bob had a short layover in Phoenix last night. So I got to meet him for breakfast this morning before he and the captain, Pete had to take off for more traveling. Bob's other bonus was a layover in San Jose 2 nights ago. His mom (with homemade cookies in hand) and dad greeted them when they landed at 11pm. The following morning Bob got to hang out with his folks, sister, and 2 nieces. How nice!


Martin: Autumn is here and the leaves are beginning to fall.
Me: Art Class!

Jeri, Anna and I are taking a Wednesday night art class. Something different.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Martin: Another visit to the range for Adrian with me in tow.
Me: Harley and I on our evening walk.

Monday, May 9, 2011


Martin: Brief walk down near the beach - someone else had been for a walk earlier.
Me: Speaker of the House, John Boehner parked next to Bob in Buffalo, New York. Bob snapped a photo. It's kinda far away but Bob said he didn't want to get attacked by the secret service. John Boehner is the second guy from the left walking in a white shirt and tie.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Martin: Afternoon camp at Scarborough Park.
Me: Happy Mother's Day!

Wishing all moms a special day. Sending extra special thoughts and hugs to my mom and my mother-in-law. Two amazing moms! Love you!
These flowers are for you.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Martin: We all went for a short walk through the National Park starting here at Helensburgh Railway Station.
Me: Took a photo of our friend's backyard today - don't tell :-). Their home is gorgeous, amazing really. They are moving to another home though, just around the corner from this one. It too is spectacular.