Martin: Should have invested in tissue stocks from the number I have been through the past week.
Me: These are my two wonderful friends, Shelly and Marsha. I've know them both since about 1992. We met playing sand volleyball at The Pointe and became fast friends. We've done so many cool things together: waterskiied numerous early mornings, played countless days of sand volleyball, hiked amazing places like the Grand Canyon & 3 Sisters Mountains in Oregon, snow skiied Tahoe & Telluride, white water rafted, and traveled. Bob and I went to France & Italy with Shelly and I backpacked New Zealand with Marsha in 1996. Marsha now lives in Bend, Oregon and Shelly in Scottsdale. Marsha flew in for a couple days so the three of us got to hang out. Great to spend time with them again!